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Where are we?




We Meet at 419 Cherry St. Every Sunday and Wednesday.

Prayer, Comment, Questions?

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Contact Us

Thank you for visiting Calvary Missionary Baptist Church and our website. We hope that it answers all of your questions. All of our information about our church is on the website. Feel free to browse the whole site. We would love if you came for a visit.Where we can share the good news with you and grow closer to Christ together. 

To proclaim the message of Christ in a manner that produces disciples to penetrate the world with the gospel. Matthew 28:18-20

Services are held in the sanctuary. Nursery is open for all of the times mentioned below.


Sunday Morning:

Sunday School 10:00am

Sunday Morning Worship 11:00am


Sunday Afternoon Services 2:30pm


Wednesday Evening Services:

Pathmakers 7:00pm for ages 5-18. Downstairs in fellowship hall

Adult Bible Study 7:00pm for ages 18 and up. Upstairs in the sanctuary.

Calvary Missionary Baptist Church

419 Cherry St. South Haven, MI


Phone: 269-767-7635


Pastor Larry Phillips


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